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This is your space to connect with fellow KDP members, work through common challenges, and access and contribute vital resources in the community library.


Teacher Candidates

We are honored to act as a mentor and guide to future teachers, preparing them to leave campus and enter the classroom. We work to set them up for a successful career, and we celebrate their excellence and achievement through the honor society.


Chapter Leaders

Our chapter counselors and officers aren’t just a part of our story — they are the storytellers: a living embodiment of our brand and values. They are a resource, a champion, and an advocate for members, and we are the same for them.


New Teachers

We provide new teachers with the support they need to transition into service from their preparation program and through the first three years of their career. We empower and equip them to navigate the changing education landscape and mentor them through shifting tides.

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by Adrian D. Martin, Ph.D. Dr. Martin wrote the article “ Teacher Educator Identity as a Relational ...

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