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Research help - Virtual teachers

  • 1.  Research help - Virtual teachers

    Posted 01-26-2023 11:37 PM
    Hello everyone,
    I am looking for teachers who work online, and we need your input for research. 
    My name is Asmaa Mohamed, and I am a doctoral candidate at the American
    College of Education (ACE). I am inviting current K-12 virtual educators to
    complete two surveys on using Mobile Learning tools for learning in the classroom
    in the light of TPACK theory knowledge. The first survey has 42 questions, and
    the second survey is 30 questions, and it will take 20 -25 minutes or less to
    complete. Participation is voluntary and anonymous. The combined results of the
    surveys will be published in my dissertation.
    Please visit my designed website for further information.
    Welcome to TPACK Research Website By: Asmaa Mohamed
    Once teachers sign the consent forms and are verified by the committee,  we can forward the survey link.
    Please let me know if you have any questions. 
    I really appreciate your help in completing this research.
    Thank you for your time.
    Asmaa Mohamed

    Asmaa Mohamed