The Teacher Advocate

The Teacher Advocate



Teacher Advocate Article List
KDP Convo 2023 starts Thursday! If you’re joining us in St. Louis this week, we can’t wait to see you, but even if you can’t be there, you can still review ...
By Joyce Wilson Teaching is a challenging profession, especially if you’re a new teacher. Fortunately, you can implement strategies to stay organized, ...
The Teacher Advocate has more than 100 searchable articles on everyday topics that will always be relevant to new and returning teachers. Here are some ...
By Susanne Dunn When you walk around an elementary school, you regularly see students practicing lining up properly, transitioning from rug time to ...
By Jacek Polubiec Most of us agree that the idea that leaders just lead, teachers just teach, and students just learn is a thing of the past. Innovative ...
By Kyle W. Lickel “Explosions.” That’s what popped in my head as I pondered the question: “What is going to get students to actually want ...
By Grace Kibe Novice teachers aspire to have a great classroom, with students who are well behaved and academically successful. ...
By Lisa Brizendine It is December in Tara’s first grade classroom, and 6 out of 18 students are English learners (ELLs). Tara reads aloud the story ...
By Jennifer Martin “A World Without Print”: This phrase is the title of a chapter from Victoria Purcell-Gates’ text, Other People’s Words: The Cycle ...