Classroom Teacher Grant Recipients

2024–2025 Classroom Teacher Grant Recipients

KDP awarded 23 Classroom Teacher Grants to support innovative projects and provide educational resources for PreK–12 classrooms during the 2024–2025 school year. These grants will benefit approximately 2,930 students. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our generous donors for making this possible! Congratulations to our exceptional recipients!


Lakisha Atkins      
Kindness Corner - A Social-Emotional Learning Space


Ninette Bell  


Rachal Brewster    
Drawing Energy


Alana Cleary
Felt Storyboard


Quinn Costanza      
Academic and Adaptive Behavior Learning Environment (AABLE) Garden


Crystal Cromwell, EdD Candidate, Educational Leadership         
Pre-K and Kindergarten Math Centers


Sara Curran
Husky Store Supplies


Brittany Etherton, BA, Education RLA
Vertical Aligned Teaching


Susan E. Franklin
Classroom Read-Aloud Library


Antonio Gonzalez
College, Career, and Military Readiness Resource Hub


Rachael Grillo, EdS 
Introducing More Project-Based Learning


Dr. Kia Harren
Emergency Educational Kits


Hadley A. Houston
It's Time


Xebaria Jamison
The Good Coffee Shop


Mrs. Lonna Kennedy, MS, Self-Contained SPED Teacher
Story Retelling Using Puppets and Sequencing Cards in K-5th Special Education


Tyler Larsen, Doctoral Candidate


Susan McBryde, MEd, EdD 2026
Healthy Bodies, Mindful Minds: Wellness Program for Pre-K Students


Tracey Patrick
Engaging Learning Through Hands-On Manipulatives for MTSSS Reading Interventions


Benjamin Pilgrim
Mighty Model Channel Protein Collection for Honors and AP Biology


Katie Smith
Vocal and Auditory Practice for ELL Students


Dr. Claudette R. Spencer
Bridging the Gap Between Mental Health and Physical Health


Gina Stevens
Books for Bilinguals


Kaya Yang
Project Save Chiang Rai


2023–2024 Classroom Teacher Grant Recipients

KDP awarded 30 Classroom Teacher Grants to support creative projects and enhance PreK–12 classrooms and for the 2023–2024 school year. Collectively, these teachers will impact approximately 2,618 students through their initiatives. A special thank you to our donors, especially Dr. Judith F. Evans and Mr. Ralph M. Evans, for making this remarkable impact possible. Congratulations to our extraordinary grant recipients!


Graciela Acosta     
Spanish Foundation Literacy


Erica Alexander  
My Classroom


Jennifer L. Baker       
Imaginative Tales: Fostering Creative Writing Through Picture Books and Manipulatives


Tisha Burch, Elementary Education  
Classroom Resources and Supplementation


Miss Kimberly Cook, MEd      
Writing to Remember!


Crystal Cromwell         
Knoxville Zoo Mobile


Jessica Deel    
WW2 Projects


Susan E. Franklin, MEd, Reading Specialist   
Reading Manipulatives Project


Rachael Grillo, EdS
Take What You Need


Michael M. Hayes, MEd          
A Book For Me


Marcia James, MA, LCPC
Senior Signing Day


Lonna Kennedy, MS, Early Childhood and  Special Education Interventionalist Endorsements        
Calming Sensory Space


Kelly Longstreet
Creating Batiks and Cultural Connections


Tiffany Mason
New Teacher Classroom Manipulatives and Supplies

Molly McCauley  
Flexible Seating


Jenna Melville     
Calming Office

Caitlyn Myers  
Hygiene Closet

Kathleen Whitman Plucker       
Who's Being Dramatic Now?

Isabel E. Quiñones, BS/MEd 
Flex & Focus: Sensory Solutions for Learning

Sara Elizabeth Roberts      
Flexible Seating in my 5th Grade Classroom

Mindy Rose         
DECA Day Out: Community Compass

Chantel Sanders         
Small Group Refresh


Kaylee Schmitz   
ASD Inclusion

Dr. Brandy Schroeder
Earth Science Gamification with Reinforced Supplemental Content

Ms. Evonnia Smith, MAT          
New  Classroom

Julia Tarantino        
Getting Classroom Ready

Ashley Tetter, MEd        
State History with the Alphabet

Taylor K. Trussel, MMEd, MEd
National Parks Models

Caroline Whitley
Student Needs

Lin Xu  
Hands-On Learning for Pre-K Success


2022–2023 Teacher Grant Recipients

KDP awarded 50 Classroom Teacher Grants and 18 First-Year Teacher Grants to implement quality projects and incorporate learning tools in PreK–12 classrooms during the 2022–2023 school year. Together, these teachers will serve an estimated 5,237 students through these grant programs. Thank you to our donors for making this incredible impact possible, especially Dr. Judith F. Evans and Mr. Ralph M. Evans. Congratulations to our outstanding recipients!

Classroom Teacher Grant Recipients

Mrs. Graciela Acosta     
Reader's Corner

Mr. Nicholas D. Amster 
Sanitation Station

Stephanie L. Bradley, MEd      
Pentominoes – Exploring Shapes

Ms. Juliet M. Casanova  
Engineering Outreach Supplies

Natalie F. Cienski, BS, Early Childhood and Childhood Education     
Explicit and Systemic Phonics Instruction

Miss Kimberly Cook, MEd        
Mobile Dry Erase Board

Mrs. Crystal Cromwell   
Zoo Mobile (on-site field trip)

Dr. Sara Curran   
Innovation Station Supplies

Mrs. Paige Davis, MEd
Games to Build Social Skills for Students With Autism

Mr. Willie Davis III, MEd         
Literacy Matters!

Molly A. Drum, CAS       
Free Voluntary Reading Library for French Classroom

Mrs. Marsha Duffey, MEd        
Owl Pellet Dissection

Mrs. Jacqueline H. Edge, Third-Grade Teacher, SCACS Certified
Math Manipulatives to Stand the Test of Time (and 3rd Graders)

Ms. Robyn Forrester, MEd, Special Education English Teacher
IS 384 Cooking Therapy Club

Susan E. Franklin, MEd 
Reading Across the Curriculum

Frederick A. Froehlich, EdD    
Destination Scavenger Hunt

Heather R. Gilbert
Translucent Learning

Mrs. Tasha Griffith        
Math Engagement: Number Sense and Place Value Recovery Project

Rachael Grillo, EdS        
Bringing Labs Home

Kathy V. Hardy, EdD      
Children's Hospital Fort Bragg/Fayetteville, NC (Christmas Cards and Art Supplies)

Dr. Erin K. Hughes, EdD, EdS, MS, BS
Tier 1 and 2 Math Instructional Supports for Counting, Addition, and Subtraction

Nickeysha N. Jones, MEd         
Manipulatives Are Stimulating

Mrs. Lonna Kennedy, MS, Kindergarten    
Decodable Readers for the Classroom and Home Reading

Mrs. Melissa Kumanski 
Games for Learning Gains

Miss Aundrea H. Lancaster, All Level Special Needs Education        
Special Education Classroom Manipulative and Learning Resources

Mrs. Analysa Larsen, MS, Curriculum & Instruction     
Building Connections With Distance Learners

Ms. Alexandria E. Lefkovits, MEd      
Electronic Exploration

Mrs. Kelly Longstreet    
Mastering Math With Manipulatives

Ms. Lisa Macklin, MA Physical Education
Sensory Experiences to Teach Adapted Physical Education Skills to Students with Autism in New York City

Ms. Jessica Martz
Student Engagement with Technology

Joanne Mulligan Mislow
Critical Thinking STEM STARTERS

Elizabeth Mumaw
Flexible Seating & Sensory Stimulation for Special Education Students

Mrs. Madeline Naquin   
Special Education Classroom Grant for Manipulatives

Miss Jessica E. Nyden, BS, Education         
Wildcat Care Closet

Mrs. Leighann O'Connor
Flexible Seating for Reading Intervention 

Ms. Catherine Orszulak 
Super Science

Dr. Anne Marie K. Pai    
Broad Street School's Garden- Borrow a Book Lending Library

Miss Isabel Quiñones, BS, MEd         
Cozy Reading Corner

Mrs. Beth Rafalowitz-Murray  
Supplies to Create Engaging Games and Activities

Mrs. Martha K. Reinoso, MAT Special Ed. Behavior Teacher   
Sensory Tools

Mrs. Kellie Ritchey        
Classroom Library for Struggling Readers

Miss Anna Leigh Sargent, BA, Education   
Stop Motion Animation Studio

Ms. Lindsay Shields      
Shining Stars

Miss Kristen Smigielski, MEd  
Kindergarten Book of the Month Club

Ms. Evonnia A. Smith, MAT     
Exploring Cells and More

Ms. Kirsten Burke Smith, BA, Psychology/Dance; MEd, Childhood Education/Literacy       
Mentor Materials and More: Bringing Equity to My Fifth Grade Classroom

Ms. Ashley Tetter, MEd  
Journey Through History With Ellis the Elephant

Madison Lee Tubman    
SEL Classroom Toolkit

Mrs. Candace Vamvakaris       
Blue Jacket Java Cafe

Mrs. Samantha R. Zourelias    
Of"fish"ally Calm

First-Year Teacher Grant Recipients

Ms. Michaela Alphonse, PreKindergarten, Exceptional Student Education   
Let’s Take Care of Florida Native Plants and Animals

Mrs. Shannon M. Belanger
Classroom Library

Miss Tisha M. Burch, Elementary Education
Classroom Curriculum

Ms. Anna England
Reading Corner for Literacy Classroom

Miss Montserrat Garcia 
STEAMy Exploration

Ms. Megan Grooms, MEd
General Manipulatives

Mrs. Devin Hoskey, BA, Education
Meeting Student Needs With Flexible Love for Learning

Mrs. Tiffany M. Hussey, BS, Elementary Education
Flexible Seating

Jonathan Ichord
Environment Impact Study

Ms. Cheyann Kanka
New Classroom Supplies

Mr. Curtis Lewis, Exceptional Children Special Behavior Support    
Special Behavior Support (Boys Town Points System)

Miss Kayla Passaretti, BS, Elementary Education
Classroom Library

Mrs. Stephanie Prieto
Wiggle, Wobble & Move

Regina C. Prieto, Special Education Teacher
Paint the Classrooms

Larissa K. Silva, BA, Art Education
Light Boxes 5–8 Art

Christa N. Sotack, BS, Special/General Education
STEM in Self-Contained Classroom

Mrs. Jasmine S. Spore
Cells and More Cells

Ms. Kathy Wood
Development of Executive Functioning Skills in the Elementary School Special Education Classroom